Monday, November 23, 2009

Musing No. 4 - I Don't Want to Do What I Don't Want to Do

This should be pretty easy to understand. But many people still don't get this concept when it applies to someone else and not themselves. If I don't want to do something, stop trying to get me to do something.

Not really related, just thought it was neat.

This covers a wide spectrum of different things. For instance:

- I don't want to recycle stuff. If it was easier, sure I'd do it - just have another tub that I lug out like garbage. I could deal with that. But you want me to pay? For something I don't want to do in the first place? If there is something that I'm already leaning in the opposite direction, and you guilt me into doing it, then after I'm like "Fine fine, I'll do it, where do I put it?" then you tell me I need to pay you 10 dollars a month to do the thing I didn't want to do in the first place? Get out. No. Not doing it.

Except this. This is amusing.

- I don't want to join every stupid facebook group you send me. I do not want to be a fan of 'Waking up in the middle of the night to pee.' That's stupid. Cut that shit out. Seriously. From now on, unless it's a company of some kind, or something that I can hold in my hand - stop sending me dumb invites. I don't want to become a fan of 'Good Will' or 'Love' or 'Spinning in circles like a little fairy till you fall down giggling.' No more of that shit, or I will become a fan of 'Pummeling my facebook friends into the ground.'

459 Fans? Really? F*ckin idiots.

- I won't stop eating things that will 'kill me.' As a matter of fact, no more news about how a new food is killing me. This week it will be bananas are killing me and next week you'll tell me it's the best thing for me. If something will really kill me, I guess you can tell me, but only after you're absolutely sure. Like arsenic. If you are as sure that something is bad for me as you are sure that arsenic is bad for me, then you are allowed to tell me. Don't tell me that coffee is going to kill me, I know plenty of dirt old people who started drinking coffee at 6 and at 86 can race me. You're full of crap and it's coming out your ears. While I'm at it, why don't I just give you a list of things that I won't be stoping, to save you time:

-- I won't be giving up red meat. Tofu tastes like human excrement.
-- I won't be giving up coffee or alcohol. These are staples of a good life. Yes that's right.
-- I won't be giving up fatty foods such as 3 AM Burger King burgers. I already know it's bad for me, doesn't matter if you graft a friggin health warning into the bun.
-- Until you can come up with something that doesn't taste like crap to replace it, I won't be giving up sugar. Splenda, Sacrin, Sucralose or Nutrasweet all taste worse than vomit.
-- Any and all things I come up with later are also on this list - this is the spot I am reserving for them.

Mmmm, Burger.

- I won't stop being politically incorrect. Frankly I don't have the time or desire to check every time something is suddenly considered as such. I will continue to call things I don't like gay - if it makes you feel better, feel free to call things you don't like 'straight'. I know you being gay and all makes you all emotional, but the rules should stand if I'm not offended when the shoe is on the other foot, then neither should you be. I will continue to say Merry Christmas because that's the name of the damn holiday - don't like it? Don't celebrate it. I will continue to have a Christmas Tree because I don't stop doing things just because others don't do them. I'm pretty sure you haven't stopped praying to Allah just because I don't pray to him.

*Sigh* shakes head...

- And finally: I won't switch to Biggby coffee from Starbucks Coffee. No matter how much better you tell me Biggby is, I have tastebuds, I know you're lying. If you want to buy me Biggby, that's fine I will drink it - at the price of free it can taste like crap....otherwise known as Biggby coffee - and I will still drink it. But if I am buying coffee, I am buying Starbucks. All this crap about it's way cheaper - have you ever actually purchased anything at Starbucks people? A regular cup of coffee at Starbucks is like 20 cents more than the gas station charges, and it's about the same price that Biggby charges. Biggby mixed coffees are on average 20 cents less, and yet they take about a dollars worth of taste quality out. Interesting. I'm willing to pay 20 cents more for coffee that wasn't poured through a jock strap. Some people apparently are not.

I see nothing wrong with this, lol.

Point is: I don't do, what I don't want to do. And you shouldn't either.

End of Musing No. 4

1 comment:

  1. I am just laughing my head off and hearing what goes on in your brain:) Loving it! lol!
