Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Musing No. 1 - The Point Has Been Missed

So I have alot of friends in christian music, which is a very interesting market indeed. I prefer regular, what is considered 'secular' music by the christian market, but that is because for every 10 bands that are big in the christian market, only 1 out of that is actually good. So it's alot of crap to wade through.

But I am impressed at how un-lame many christian artists are looking these days. Many of the christian lynch-mob like to say that tattoos, wearing clothing with skulls or dragons, getting piercings and such things, excessive make-up (for guys or girls), sexually attractive clothing, goth-looking hair and other such things are trying to look like the world, and therefore somehow wandering from God.
The Becoming

My view is much different than this. I am, by trade a marketing expert as well as musician. Now, sure, those things are different than what christians generally look like - but if you actually have a message that you want anyone outside of the christian market to hear, should you be only marketing yourself TO the christian market? Now if you are just making music for christians, or as I like to say - Reaching millions of Christians for Christ - then by all means, follow the christiany stereotype. But if you are reaching out of the body, like we assume that God meant when he said 'Go into all the world' then maybe you should try to market your message to them.


Basic marketing 101 - if you want a certain group to go for your product, service, message - then market yourselves to them. How hard is that? Apparently very.

As I Lay Dying

I don't want to harp on something that most people clearly will never change on - go ahead Christiany guys, just stay irrelevant and watch your empire tumble. I do want to give an atta-boy to the bands with the great messages who have gotten ahold of the concept of 'IN but not OF.' You can be there, you can look like, but your origins are different. Your origins are going to show in your actions not in what you look like.

End of Musing No.1
Myspace Page

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