Friday, December 25, 2009

Musing No. 6 - My Late Christmas Blog

So this time of year everyone is happy, excited, pissed off, depressed, drunk or a random combination of the previous. You have alot of cause people out there as well, and many of these amuse and annoy me at the same time. I would like to offer a make light of these misguided individuals and give them a nice little joyful jab in the spirit of the holiday. :-)

'The Anti 'XMas' & Anti 'Holiday' people"

You guys are idiots. Like serious. This is from the devout purists Christians, who think everyone who is saying Happy Holidays or Happy XMas are anti-Christmas. While they may be anti-Christmas in their intent, what they are saying is not. XMas was simply a shortening of Christmas using the first letter of the word 'Christ' in the greek, which is Xristo. Holidays was shortened from what originally used - 'Holy Days.' Th
ese words are not a product of Anti-Christmas sentiments, but of verbal laziness - which coincidentally, we Americans superiorly notorious for. So please stop boycotting stores for saying Happy Holidays, please stop encouraging other Christians not to frequent places that use XMas in their advertisements - and please, oh please, stop associating yourselves with Christians who don't have a stick up their butts. We're not the same, and you know it.

"The Anti-Commercialist People"

Now for all you Anti-Commercialist hippies out there, you need to smoke double amounts of weed around your Christmas season, that way the rest of us can enjoy ours. :-) Yes, of course Christmas has become commercialized - if you have lived very long on this planet, you know that anything that people like becomes commercialize
d. That's the way it works. You can't force people not to commercialize, and of course all industries that can profit from Christmas will try to. I would like to see one of you try to stay in business without capitalizing on whatever holiday would normally make you good money. And by capitalize I mean for or against whatever your target demographic wants. It's how they make money, and that's generally the point of being in business.

"The Christmas Boycotters"

Ok, so I understand that some people don't like Chr
istmas, I really do. Lots of people have had bad experiences with Christmas, or are having a shitty life at the moment, or are mad at me for writing this blog. Go ahead and boycott Christmas, that's fine. But don't try to make us feel bad for not being Scrooges and celebrating Christmas. I don't feel bad if you go on a diet and I get to eat all the cheesecake.

"People Who Want You To Ask What Holiday They Celebrate"

If you are a jew, an actual african, or some other religion who celebrates something other than Christmas, let me explain something to you. Christmas is a National Holiday here, therefore as long as you are in America, we will wish you a Merry Christmas. You will not get wished a Happy Hanakuh, a Happy Kwanza, or any other holiday because those are not National Holidays here. They are however National Holidays in their respective countries who celebrate them, so if you don't want to get wished a Merry Christmas, they probably won't wish you it in Israel or Africa - feel free to go there.


The real key is to realize - Christmas is not going to be perfect, because it is celebrated by people. And people screw things up. This is the one time of year when you should strive not to get offended over petty things like what holiday they wished you or how they said it. That's the exact opposite of what this season means. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

End of Musing No. 6

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