Saturday, February 20, 2010

Musing No. 9 - Musician Magic

So I will deviate from my usual amusing posts to discuss a musician matter....just this once, lol (who am I kidding, I always deviate from the norm, lol):

You don't need the big processing units or big editing units to create beautiful musical art. As a matter of fact, the big musicians envy you. Yes that's right, they envy you.

"Why is that" you may say? Well the reason is, because you still have the 'Wow Factor.' With your little First Act guitar and crappy peavy amp, you have the ability to amaze people with your ingenuitive creative ability. True art is created with little and made into big. You see that little amp and crappy guitar you have by your side? That is all you need by way of tools to create the music the world needs to hear.

When you are small, you need to 'Wow' the world with your creative genius. Art is not something that is created with millions of dollars - art is something that is taking something and making it nothing. And you can do that. You can take that small Line 6, Peavey, or Marshall amp - you can take that small Dillion, Epiphone or First Act guitar create something that the world has never seen. You have to stop waiting for the world to hand you the big weapons that the music industry has at it's ever-waiting disposal, and know that the 'Wow Factor' is in the ability to make something amazing from your small stack/amp/crappy PC abilities.

The true artists can take a crappy doormat and make a picaso piece. The true artists can take a Target purchased guitar and make a form of music that the world has never seen. Sure, you will get picked up by a Major industrial label when you make that music, but the point is that you can MAKE IT when you have nothing. YOU can make musical art with nothing but your raw creative talent at your disposal.

I believe the industry has gotten into a funk. A funk that means the same old' same old. That is where you come in. You - the creative musical genius, who has nothing but his hopes his dreams and creativity, and his desire to make the world better.
The point that I would really like to Pound home is that you don't need the big fancy tools of the music industry to make the best music anyone has ever heard. All you need is a guitar and a microphone. Or heck, all you need is a tape recorder. Something to record you creating the best art the world has ever seen.

You need to be brave. You need to be daring. You need to dare to be ridiculed. Look back through history - the greatest creators of all time were ridiculed, they were torn down - all because their creations were different. But you know what? Different is the best. Different is the blood that the industry lives by. Different is what takes you on a multi-million dollar tour of America, Germany, and Ireland. DIfferent is what makes you the artist to define our generation.

I would advise you - over everything - to be different than the rest. As a musical artist, I can definitely tell you that different will get you somewhere in this world. Different will take you where you want to go. Different will make you the defining artist of our time. And I will personally sign you, on my label - Mannstein Records. (Shameless Plug, I'm sorry, I'm a marketer as well as a musician) I encourage all inspiring musicians and musical geniuses to follow your path of different. Because different will get your noticed. It may not make you the next Nickelback....but let's face it...there are loftier goals, lol. Every label is looking for the next big thing - and you might be just that.

Don't be afraid to be different. You might be the next big thing.

End of Musing No 9

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